Position: Industry 4.0 ( data & Digital Strategy )

Location: Bangalore , India

Salary: Confidential

Assignment timescale: 6 weeks

Result: Completed

Consulting Point were mandated by a long-standing MBB strategy client to help further build the leadership team of one of their practices with the biggest growth plans, Industry 4.0 to include Strategic Data & Digital Transformation. With us already helping them to source a number of strategy candidates in India in 2022, we were able to attain all of the information we required to properly build out a strong picture of why this firm would be a good option for any senior individual.

To properly approach this piece of work we first mapped the Indian market to highlight all of the top leadership at both competing strategy houses and the wider consulting market. Because of the role being a senior position, it was important to find talent that was already at a similar level in consulting to ensure they would be able to also bring in a substantial network and revenue potential. The key driving point though was finding an individual who was comfortable building a practice and developing an offering, something which not all senior individuals have experience in.

Once the market was mapped and we had reduced our Long List into a Short List of targeted candidates, we were able to speak to several people from this and start to explore the types of profiles that would fit. Our client is very keen on retaining their culture as they grow, so finding people who are by their nature both collaborative and entrepreneurial was essential. In addition, people who had the ability to perform at a C-Suite level but also roll their sleeves up and get hands on was also key. Within our conversations we were able to find several that fit these criteria and entered them into the process with our client.

Processes at this level are always substantial but our MBB client in India has reduced the interview steps to 5 stages given the huge demand in India right now for consulting talent.

Fortunately our client has fine-tuned there process to ensure that the momentum is kept throughout and the candidates are kept informed of the remaining steps. After a few meetings one of our candidates truly stood out as the ideal fit. Our candidate came with CXO advisory, technology executive leadership, designing large scale data & digital transformation strategies, modernizing legacy enterprise architectures and a deep understanding of Industry 4.0.

The final steps of the process ran relatively smoothly and once the contract was issued there were only minor points that needed addressing, which led to a quick and easy rounding off. The candidate highlighted their appreciation of Consulting Point’s input throughout the process, giving advice on people they were meeting and helping to understand their positioning (and prospective salary) within the client’s structure.



For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
