Position: Equity Partner, IT Strategy

Location: USA

Salary: $580K


Assignment timescale: 3.5 months

Result: Completed

A top Strategy House who Consulting Point have been working with for a substantial amount of time asked for our help with a key senior hire within their US business, the person would head up their growing IT Strategy practice. As this was an Equity Partner level hire it was essential that the candidate not only closely fit the required skillset and business development experience, but also perfectly matched their company culture. Consulting Point began by creating a longlist from our substantial network, before whittling it down to a targeted shortlist of strong, relevant candidates.

From the shortlist we were able to highlight several particularly close matches that also had a personality and approach that would hopefully allow them to thrive within the client’s business. After a set of exploratory interviews with a senior person from the client, three candidates were prioritized to progress and latterly one clearly stood out as the front runner. In a market where interview processes alone usually take six to twelve months, the eagerness from both client and candidate led to the entire process being completed within 3½ months and the candidate starting their new role within six months of first speaking to the client.

Throughout this process, a key aspect was the close contact kept between Consulting Point and both the client and candidate, with advice and preparation being given on both sides to ensure the whole thing ran smoothly. Overall both parties were extremely happy with the match and it has set the business up to hopefully invest further in this practice moving forwards, now that they have a strong leader to push it forwards.


For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
