Position: Manager

Location: Shanghai

Salary: RMB 805,250

Assignment timescale:  4 weeks


Result: Completed

A global consulting firm were searching for a seasoned professional to join their leadership team to address rapidly growing business needs. The individual will be representing our client’s company for international brands looking to expand their business in China.

 Our team identified the correct candidate in one week then completed the interview process in another two weeks. Although the candidate had reservations about being able to step into a leadership role with his current experience, we were able to work with our client and map out a detailed career path for the candidate.



For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
