Position: Consultant - Public Sector

Location: London

Salary: £52K


Assignment timescale:  8 weeks

Result: Completed

A top Consultancy firm in London were looking to expand within their Public Sector Practice (Central Government) and contacted Consulting Point (as a key supplier) to carry out a detailed search to for a mid-level hire within this part of their business. They were looking for an individual with a deep understanding of Agile and Change Management as well as the leadership skills required to manage larger projects in the future. Due to specific requirements of the company and the complexity of the position, this firm had struggled to find any candidates that possessed the mix of skillset they needed; which led to them reaching out to Consulting Point.

Consulting Point Search ran an extensive search across the London area and highlighted several individuals who matched these criteria and who were also shortlisted by the firm for an interview. One of the candidates became a key person of interest for our client and was a high performer throughout the process, everything was wrapped up over an eight week period and from sending his details.


For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
