PwC UK today announces the appointment of 77 new equity partners from 1 July 2022. The new promotions are in addition to 22 partners promoted in January 2022, making 99 new partner promotions in total this year.

Together with 13 direct partner hires recruited during the financial year, and an additional 5 joining on 1 July, the firm’s total UK partner number will be 995 as at 1 July.

The promotions reflect the firm’s commitment to bringing a more diverse group of people into senior roles. This year 39% of the newly promoted partners are women and 14% are black, asian or minority ethnic.

In addition, 46% of the firm’s new directors are female and 23% are black, asian or minority ethnic, showing a strong pipeline in senior roles.

Some 30% of new partners are based outside London, compared to 24% last year. The promotions cover each of PwC’s core services - audit, consulting, deals, risk and tax.

Kevin Ellis, Chairman and Senior Partner, PwC UK commented:

“It’s fantastic to welcome these talented new partners and I congratulate each of them. These appointments will bring fresh perspectives into the leadership of each of our business areas. By strengthening our multidisciplinary firm we can draw on the best expertise to support clients, while attracting the top talent.”

Sourced from PwC
