West Monroe, a national business and technology consulting firm, announced the appointment of 66 new directors as part of its annual review and promotion process.


“As we work toward our 2025 strategy, a key focus area is ensuring we have the right leadership structure in place to support our growth goals and provide continued opportunities for our people to grow their careers at West Monroe,” said Susan Stelter, West Monroe’s chief people officer. “The number of new directors appointed today is a testament to this. Their highly impactful contributions, including driving revenue, overseeing large engagements, leading and developing our people, and their in-depth industry knowledge will be amplified on the director-level to continue driving our business. We are incredibly proud to have these talented people as part of our leadership team at West Monroe.”

West Monroe appointed the following new directors:

Shehzad Amin, Operations Excellence

Stacie Amorose, Shared Services

Eric Anderson, Energy & Utilities

Tricia Anklan, Energy & Utilities

Jeremy Bruck, Mergers & Acquisitions

Michele Catalano, Shared Services

David Chaddock, Technology

Jennie Chansomphou, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Calvin Cheng, Product & Experience Lab

Eric Chi, Technology

David Clifford, Operations Excellence

Tim Crickenberger, Mergers & Acquisitions

Cameron Cross, Technology

Adam Cummins, Operations Excellence

Sanket Dave, Technology

Dan Davidson, Customer Solutions

Gary Dollinger, Technology

Jason Earley, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Corie Frasor, Operations Excellence

Eric Freshour, Operations Excellence

Josh Hoppes, Financial Services

Donna Jolly, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Trevor Jones, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Adam Keen, Operations Excellence

Nick Kennedy, Operations Excellence

Kate Kiyosaki, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Connor Kohlenberg, Mergers & Acquisitions

Dawn Kramer, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Dan Mackowiak, Technology

Jon Magin, Mergers & Acquisitions

David McGee, Operations Excellence

Dan McGuire, Corporate Transformation

Chuck McNally, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Chris Miller, Technology

Lis Moore, Shared Services

Danielle Newman-Biczak, Shared Services

Mike Orehowsky, Operations Excellence

Brian Pacula, Operations Excellence

Dar Parikh, Technology

Mike Patelski, Energy & Utilities

Greg Player, Energy & Utilities

Nate Porter, Financial Services

Christina Powers, Technology

Gordana Radmilovic, Shared Services

Sarah Rodgers, Mergers & Acquisitions

Deric Selchow, Operations Excellence

Hubert Selvanathan, High Tech & Software

Sid Sharad, Operations Excellence

Michael Shatto, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Jeff Smith, Energy & Utilities

Rich Snipes, Technology

Ben Snyder, Customer Solutions

Mark Snyder, Operations Excellence

Andy Sordi, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Amy Sparling, Shared Services

Katherine Swintek, High Tech & Software

Roger Taylor, Financial Services

Sean Teska, Technology

Kristin Thompson, Shared Services

Foster Tidwell, Mergers & Acquisitions

Andrew Topp, Technology

Jim Touhy, High Tech & Software

Andrew Walker, Healthcare & Life Sciences

Kevin Wicklin, Customer Solutions

Tim Wrzesinski, Technology

John Zuk, High Tech & Software

Promotions are based on a current performance committee-led consensus process during the annual review season. Promotions are reviewed by meeting stringent criteria, including executing strategy, vision, mission and values of the firm; displaying a depth of subject matter expertise and tenure of experience; contributing materially to the financial and operating success of the firm through consistent revenue generation and more.

All appointments were effective March 1, 2021.

Sourced from West Monroe
