Mozambique is seeking consultants that will be tasked with preparing feasibility studies and draft projects for 11 solar mini-grids in the country.
The Mozambique Energy Fund (FUNAE) has issued a request for expressions of interest (EoIs), with a deadline for submitting proposals until May 19, 2020. The specific projects are part of the local government’s efforts to use the financing it previously received from the World Bank to cover costs associated with its Energy for All (Proenergia) project, which is administered by FUNAE and state-owned Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM). Part of those funds will be allocated for consulting services.
According to official documents, the selected consultants will be in charge of conducting the feasibility studies, prepare tender documents and provide technical assistance during the call for tenders. The solar mini-grids will be developed as public-private partnerships by independent power producers. All electricity consumers powered by those installations will become EDM’s clients.
The project will be implemented across 11 villages in the provinces of Niassa, Nampula, Tete, Sofala and Manica.