In the last few weeks, a couple of interesting new reports came out from consulting firm BCG. The first, a report with Harvard Business School, found corporate executives are increasingly comfortable using freelance management consultants, and expect greater continued use. The other, a report for Malt, described how freelancing is an increasingly popular career choice for talented European professionals. BCG notes also notes that organizations able to construct flexible, blended, teams - combining freelance and full-time talent - are better positioned to meet important project deliverables, and finds 90% of corporate leaders are interested in moving to hybrid staffing models featuring a flexible, blended workforce.

Both studies anticipate a larger role in the cent billion dollar management consulting industry by independent management consultants. It’s not surprising that companies value the cost advantage of freelancers versus traditional management consulting firms. Moreover, it turns out that one of the fastest-growing client segments for independent consultants are the big consultancies themselves. More about that later in this piece.

How do CEOs of independent management consulting platforms see 2021 shaping up? Included are perspectives from across a wide range of geographic markets. The message is fairly strong and clear: 2021 should be a good year for independent management consultants and for the platforms that provide them:

James Sandoval (MeasureMatch, UK) “2021 should be a year of growth for independent management consulting and other professional services platforms. Pandemic-induced cost controls, workforces regularly working remotely and a growing familiarity with freelancers will be important drivers. Here at MeasureMatch, we’ll continue to see a growing demand for services that advance customer experience analytics, data visualization and CRM systems and data capabilities, but also enterprise cloud computing, cybersecurity and marketing campaign execution. I’ll make this prognostication: there will be one or more acquisitions in 2021 that sees management consulting firms taking a bite out of the independent professional services market.”

David Küpper. (Expertpowerhouse, Germany) “80% of top executives we surveyed expect constant or increasing demand of freelance consultants. Overall we expect more restructuring work with companies in struggling sectors due to Covid 19. At the same time digitalization topics will continue to boom. We expect sustainability themes to become more relevant as companies are pressed to do better. Overall, I believe freelance consulting will grow strongly in the next year as clients will value the flexibility and competitive pricing of independent consultants.”

Vincent Huguet (Malt, France) "Everything we believe in and work for when it comes to freelancing is going to accelerate post Covid 19. Companies understand that agility is necessary. What might have taken years in terms of evangelization on working with external talents only took a few months of lockdown. Now, big corporates as well as SMB's are ready to work with freelancers. At Malt, we believe in a hybrid model where freelancers work part of their time at Fortune 500 offices, and the other half wherever they wish. It allows the growth of a biggest pool of talents of freelancers not only living in areas with a strong economic activity but also with the ones living further."

Niclas Thelander (Outsized, Sweden) “We see a strong increase in client interest across the board actually! Our focus is financial services and clients in the emerging markets and more or less all of our clients tell us they will rebuild in a more agile, flexible way, as they staff after the pandemic. In Africa, our revenues in Q4 will double Q2, and overall we’ll grow some 75% in 2020. The trend in South Asia is similar. Digital transformation implementation experts, specialists such as actuaries and digital marketers, as well as generalist project managers and strategy consultants, are all in demand.”

Rob Biederman (Catalant, US) “We've seen our average project size increase by 30% year-over-year, with increased interest in freelance consultants with experience in corporate strategy (73% growth) and other high-value skills. We expect freelancers to grow their share of management consulting: more talent available for freelance or contract work than ever before, organizations are more comfortable with remote work, and business leaders are building out new capabilities to work with freelancers at scale. We've seen dramatic jumps in signups for our expert community, with 23% year-over-year increases from 2019. Similarly, demand user signups at Catalant customers – who largely represent Fortune 1000 companies – are also surging, with some of our biggest users gains coming in February, March, and July of this year. We've observed a wide variance in time-sensitive demand across different types of project categories — for example, a 250% increase in demand for supply chain projects shortly after the coronavirus started spreading.”

Jay Desai (Stratlancer, India) “We see an explosion of interest in freelance management consulting. 2021 will see a steady increase in demand side interest from companies as they experiment more systemically with using independent management consulting platforms. In just the past 6 months of 2020, we had a 3X increase in the consultants registered on the platform and a 2X increase in the number of projects posted by Clients on the platform. Clients are most interested in modular pieces of work as the economy recovers, that in better times might have gone as an integrated consulting project to traditional consulting firms. In terms of strategy consulting, the demand on our platform is in Life Sciences; Medical Technology; Agribusiness & Food. Perhaps mid-2021, we will see the same increase in Industrial Products and Financial Services as the economic recovery takes shape.”

Emma El Karout (OneCircleHR, South Africa) “One Circle is seeing an upsurge of interest as companies do more HR with less, tapping into HR on-demand and accessible HR solutions and services. Redundancy management, transformation and change management are big areas of interest and using freelancers lend objectivity to the process. We see an increase in loose freelancer affiliations to tackle complex projects hosted over freelance platforms. Call it “multidisciplinary teams, on-demand”. These teams assemble and dissolve on a project basis. Organizations finally have a viable option to using traditional consulting firms yet receiving the same diversity of expert perspectives.”


Martin Videlaine (NC Partners, France) “In 2021, we see a few major trends upcoming: First, the increasing functionality of fully digitalized platforms. Future platforms may both offer independents but enable customers to launch tenders. Second, boundaries between classical management consultancies and platforms are increasingly disappearing. Management consultancies are increasingly dependent on platforms to supplement their capabilities and provide specific areas of expertise to meet proposal requirements. Third, in Latin countries, growth will go towards digital transformation and restructuring. All in, I believe our market will carry on with a strong growth and perhaps future M&A.”

Sandeep Dillon (Talmix, UK) “Use of external talent will be driven by both skill shortages and by post pandemic demands like organization structuring, work design and workforce planning. Remote work is increasingly accepted and that will drive freelancer attraction, even in those regions further advanced in recovery, like APAC. The flexibility provided by freelancers continues to provide reassurance that highly-skilled work can get done, without the risk of long-term hiring. For our clients, speed of engagement and deployment is critical and we are frequently fulfilling critical roles on an immediate start basis – even if that start is thousands of miles away from HQ. The demand for Talent Pools streamlines that speed further. Finally, talent data is catching up with other data demands as companies need to find the best mix of internal and freelance talent in terms of budgets, effectiveness, skills and performance. Regionally, APAC growth is strong, partly led by its early recovery, also the Mideast that has adapted to remote work as facilitating growth. We see a lot of activity in the technology and life sciences, but also in logistics, materials and renewables. Rather than freelancers taking market share from traditional consultancies, we see them adapting to the freelance potential and partnering with platforms to create more agile solutions to engagement. Not eating their breakfast; rather, sharing the oatmeal.”

Charly Gaillard (Sneakers&Jackets, France). "Despite the strong headwinds due to COVID-19, we continue to see a rise in freelance management consulting. Most of our clients are heavily impacted by the current crisis but still have decided to prepare to shape the great reset thus accelerate. The need of flexibility has never been higher and is a clear opportunity for freelances. We see a clear rise in the luxury and health industries whilst the leisure, hospitality and transportation sectors are highly suffering."

Mathias Linnemann (Worksome, Denmark) “We see the trend towards dispersed teams and on-boarding freelancers will continue to grow. The boundaries between permanent employee and freelancer will blur even faster as freelancers become an integral part of almost any team or project. This trend has been accelerated by Covid, which has taken the usage as well as perception of the quality and importance of freelance talent to a new level. We also see online freelancer platforms successfully competing with and taking market share from traditional management consulting firms; increasingly, clients are aware who's a freelancer and who's a perm within the project team. As companies improve at assembling diverse teams across disciplines, they'll be less dependent on traditional firms.”

Christoph Hardt (Comatch, Germany) “We expect an increase in bottom-line topics - cost efficiencies, restructuring and financial planning - as well as M&A projects and digital transformation. A good amount of projects that were put on hold in 2020 will take place in the coming year. Some clients who turned to freelance consultants during the crisis out of cost sensitivity will prefer them over consultancies in the future, I believe.”

Leslie Garçon (Weem, France) “Many client companies have postponed projects because of Covid 19 and the economic difficulties it has created. At the same time, many big consulting firms are increasingly looking for agility and more and more show interest in partnering with our model. Therefore, we believe that in 2021, we’ll see clients open to working with teams of freelancers on large-scale projects, with a clear increase in the areas of Healthcare and Digital. We currently see an increase of projects related to prospective / market disruption/innovation as well as process optimization / cost reduction projects and this may continue in 2021.”

Chandrika Pasricha (Flexing It, India) “Freelance top-tier management consultants have always been in demand and we expect even stronger growth for this skill set in 2021 driven by the need for companies to re-look at business models and how they engage with customers. The growing comfort with remote work has also opened up international markets for India-based freelance consultants who are increasingly working on strategic consulting projects for clients globally. We do expect that freelancing will increase its share of the total consulting market as mid-sized firms opt for more cost-effective solutions and enterprises turn to freelancers for more defined projects and scopes of work.”

All in all, a very optimistic forecast. In addition, there are murmurs of M&A. Whether or not this transpires, the big management consulting firms – both the big strategy firms as well as the “big four + Accenture + Avanade + big tech consultancies - have created their own “white label” platforms with help from companies like MBO Partners and Twago. More big companies like Philips are moving to create their own freelance platform affiliates as a means of extending their access to independent management consultants and other freelance partners. And, you’ve read here and elsewhere, that going remote has further helped organizations grow comfortable using freelancers. With all these tailwinds, independent management consulting is certainly shaping up to be an interesting 2021.

Viva la revolution!

Sourced from Forbes - Contributed by Jon Younger
