PA Consulting has announced the winners of its annual Raspberry Pi Competition after a technology showcase in London.

Each year, the consulting brand partners with Raspberry Pi to encourage schools and children to using technology and coding to develop products that could change customer experience in the travel and transport industry using Raspberry Pi computers.

The competition is open to students from primary schools, secondary schools and colleges across the UK, and the winning team in each category receives £1,000.

Anita Chandraker, global innovation services lead at PA Consulting, said some of the ideas that came out of this year’s competition could be “life changing”.

“The awards day was a fantastic opportunity for the students to present their ideas to industry leaders, and for the judges and guests to witness the children’s ingenuity on full display,” she said.

“We believe young minds hold potentially life-changing ideas. One school that competed in a previous PA Raspberry Pi competition went on to turn its idea for a wearable air quality monitor into thousands of sales after teaming up with a manufacturer.”


Although the UK has developed a computing curriculum with the aim of teaching young people the digital skills required for modern day society, the country still suffers from a skills gap in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

The PA Competition, much like other initiatives that encourage children to use technology to solve real-world problems, is aimed at highlighting the importance of teaching young people about the technology and coding skills they will need in the future workplace.

Sourced from - Written by Clare MacDonald
