We looked at what management consultants in the UK and in main land Europe valued in their current job and looked for in any potential new job.


Unsurprisingly, the results in the UK and mainland Europe were quite similar but the most interesting one for 2019 (which is the period this data was obtained) was both groups of consultants valued JOB SECURITY as the least important consideration. Five times less important that a GOOD WORK-LIFE BALANCE.

UK Management Consultants

What UK Management Consultants value in their current job or want in a new position

Gender split

UK Management Consultants (10,803 target size, 68% male, 32% female)

European Managment Consultants

The European Management Consultants surveyed responded slightly differently, with CHALLANGING WORK being the most important but and JOB SECURITY being slightly higher than their UK counterparts.

What European Management Consultants value in their current job or want in a new position

Gender Split

European Management Consutlants (27,364, 68% male, 32% female)

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