Position: Consultant, Supply Chain (Retail & Consumer)

Location: London

Salary: £55K

Assignment timescale:  6 weeks


Result: Completed

The strategy and operations arm of a major business consulting firm was looking to further expand their Supply Chain practice with a spike in Retail & Consumer due to increased demand, as a longstanding partner Consulting Point was asked to assist.

 We provided them with several strong candidates all of which were invited to interview, one candidate because a key favourite for the client, through an interesting interview process the candidate was quickly in a position where they saw it as the best career move as well. After completing the process Consulting Point worked closely with the client to advise on a potential offer and where best to pitch it to make sure it was a quick and easy end to the process, the candidate quickly accepted and all parties were pleased with the outcome.



For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
