Position: Digital Transformation Consultant  


Location: Shanghai

Salary: £90k

Assignment timescale: 12 weeks 

Result: Completed

Consulting Point Search is the main Talent Acquisition Partner for a global Strategy & Management Consultancy firm within their Digital Transformation Practice. Our client was looking to recruit a new team of IoT experts to work on a range of Digital Business Transformation projects within various sectors. We successfully connected to this senior Business Transformation Manager who has solid industry and Supply Chain Management background in Technology and Manufacturing companies. This candidate performed outstanding during the interview process and already joined this client to help expanding their Digital Business in China.


For further information:

If you would like to hear more about our services these were our lead consultants on this assignment.

If you are seeking talent in this area then we would welcome the chance to discuss this with you.

If you are seeking a new career opportunity in this area of similar, then get in touch.

Just click on their photo for their contact details.
