Accenture has been positioned in the “Winner’s Circle” and ranked as the leader in execution of the inaugural HfS Research 2016 Energy Operations Blueprint. Accenture’s position among the 13 energy operations service providers assessed was based on excellence, recognized by clients, in the key categories of innovation and execution.


The report analyzed how well providers met clients’ needs in business process outsourcing (BPO), information technology outsourcing (ITO) and engineering services across the oil and gas value chain in the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. Cross value chain BPO, engineering and ITO services were also evaluated. Higher performers like Accenture best incorporated the eight ideals of the burgeoning As a Service economy, which represents a flexible, outcome-focused way of engaging and managing resources to deliver services.

“Our market-leading position is a testament to our broad industry expertise and ability to collaboratively engage with clients, aligning with business needs and delivering outcomes through As-A Service offerings, as we help them navigate volatile oil and gas prices,” said Andrew Smart, managing director, Accenture energy industry group. “We believe Accenture is best positioned to do this due to our innovative portfolio of services and technologies, including intelligent automation, digital services, cybersecurity and cloud-enabled Industrial Internet of Things technologies. We remain committed to continually innovate and expand our capabilities, leveraging new technologies to provide value and enable enhanced business performance.”

Accenture was commended in the report for its strong domain expertise and consulting-led global energy hubs that showcase digital technologies and inspiration for clients. Also recognized were Accenture’s managed security operations centers and multiple services in an As-A-Service model, including its digital turnaround analytics solution, which drives significant cost and schedule performance improvements. Accenture’s agile skill sourcing and deep domain expertise in energy operations, automation in BPO service delivery and alliance partner ecosystems were also cited.

“Accenture has tremendous breadth and depth in its capabilities and experience serving the oil and gas industry,” said Derk Erbé, Research Vice-President, Supply chain, Procurement and Energy for HfS Research, The Services Research CompanyTM. “The company’s commitment to innovation in technology and service delivery and bringing digital platforms to the industry make it one of the leading service providers in the move to the As-a-Service Economy.”

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