
Talent Intelligence

We help our clients attract, retain and reward the best talent in the world

We have the most comprehensive knowledge and insights into talent in the management consulting world.

We bring all of our many years of experience, technical know-how and up to date market information to bear on the continuing problems of attracting and retaining the best talent in the world. Our strategic talent advisory service is known the world over for the results we can help you achieve and (most importantly) maintain.


Talent Intelligence

We help our clients attract, retain and reward the best talent in the world

We have the most comprehensive knowledge and insights into talent in the management consulting world.

We bring all of our many years of experience, technical know-how and up to date market information to bear on the continuing problems of attracting and retaining the best talent in the world. Our strategic talent advisory service is known the world over for the results we can help you achieve and (most importantly) maintain.


As you can imagine, our job is equally balanced between finding the right people for the jobs and finding the right positions for the people. It's getting this balance right that makes us so successful. It's no good having one without the other.

Status of Assignments offered last year

Of all the assignments we were offered last year, we only accepted approximately 20%, 1 in 5. This has nothing to do with us being 'fussy' and everything to do with us wanting to only offer the best opportunities to our candidates. We screen our clients and their job opportunities as hard as we screen our candidates.

We consider all aspects of the jobs available and rank them in attractiveness and how appropriate they are for our candidates.

This systematic approach helps our candidates and our feedback on potential issues and reasons for rejection, helping our clients understand and shape their offerings.

We provide our clients with daily market information relating to pay and compensation, conditions, incentives and diversity. Still, it's the strategic view of hiring the best talent that allows us to sit in the boardrooms of our clients. Bringing our knowledge, experience, and technical data to decision-making makes us a valuable partner for forward-thinking firms.


Potential clients last year

There is also a continually shifting tide of the status and attractiveness of our clients and potential clients.

This is why we continually evaluate this ebb and flow, rise and fall of the firms to ensure that we only ever represent what we consider to be the best 20% of the market at any one time. This provides the best service to them and the premium options for the brightest people.

Our market intelligence tells us who wants to leave where and for whom and above all, why?


How do we do it?

Our industry leading search protocol


In order to secure the best talent for our clients and to give our candidates the best options in the world, we have spent many years developing our Consulting Point Methodology. It combines doing the right things, in the right order and at the right time. It's dynamic, efficient and above all, effective. 


"It's how we get to keep the promises we make." - Ben Stanley, Director


Our signature Talent Advisory consultants


We advise our clients at the boardroom level on how to implement strategic initiatives to ensure they attract the right people and retain the good ones they already have. Working together, we bring our experience and knowledge to bear on one of the most essential parts of any business: its people. 


"It's not about doing one thing; it's about a carefully considered, multi-layer approach that gets the best results" - Pradeep Upadhyay 

How do we do it?

Our industry leading search protocol


In order to secure the best talent for our clients and to give our candidates the best options in the world, we have spent many years developing our Consulting Point Methodology. It combines doing the right things, in the right order and at the right time. It's dynamic, efficient and above all, effective. 


"It's how we get to keep the promises we make." - Ben Stanley, Director


Our signature Talent Advisory consultants


We advise our clients at the boardroom level on how to implement strategic initiatives to ensure they attract the right people and retain the good ones they already have. Working together, we bring our experience and knowledge to bear on one of the most essential parts of any business: its people. 


"It's not about doing one thing; it's about a carefully considered, multi-layer approach that gets the best results" - Pradeep Upadhyay 

Without giving away all of our secrets we can still share with you an overview of our process to secure the best talent, the best jobs.

Our Black Book

Put simply, we know more people than anyone else. We have unrivaled access to more people in the industry, and that means when we take on a new assignment, or we are looking for a new career option for you, it's a personal phone call away.

Combined Knowledge

If it's not on speed dial in our phones then it's almost certainly in the company's knowledge base.

Our internal, private database has the combined research of the entire firm for the last 20 years, stored, recorded, tagged, cross-referenced and analysed.  It holds the career histories of some 155,000 candidates, where they've worked, what they've done and what their career aspirations are. We have clients from all corners of the world mapped out. Their strengths and weaknesses, their history of hiring (and firing) and who to speak to.

Finally, we have every piece of research work and data we have ever created available at the click of a mouse.  

Live Information

In addition, we have a live DASHBOARD of information at our fingertips to help us lock in on the introduction solution that's right. This ranges from live research, market information, numerous online database and our extremely active research team. We never need to guess, and we always have the right information to hand to make an informed decision.


Recently completed assignments

We are actively working on assignments all around the globe on a daily basis, helping companies with their talent strategies and talent acquisition programmes.

We are also advising and helping our network of highly skilled management consultants develop their careers by working with the best firms and on the most interesting engagements.

Below are a few examples of our recently completed assignments. 

Recently completed assignments

We are actively working on assignments all around the globe on a daily basis, helping companies with their talent strategies and talent acquisition programmes.

We are also advising and helping our network of highly skilled management consultants develop their careers by working with the best firms and on the most interesting engagements.

Below are a few examples of our recently completed assignments.